Duff O'Melia

A Remarkable Offer

As many of you know, I’m diligently trying to make Soapbox so remarkable that customers feel that they need to tell their friends about the site. Seth Godin’s Books have taught me that passionate customers can do a much better job of marketing than I can. I’m a huge fan of Seth Godin.

I am quite confident that Seth would have a number of ideas about how to make Soapbox more Purple. I’m quite sure that he would have ideas about which sneezers I should be trying to reach to turn Soapbox into an Idea Virus.

So I started thinking about how I might provide Seth Godin some value. I started thinking things like, “Is there anything I might do for him such that he might be willing to talk to me for a few minutes about Soapbox? I wonder if he’d be interested in some kind of equity stake or some kind of revenue/profit sharing in exchange for some verbal collaboration?”

THEN, I read his blog post this morning. WOW. He is offering the chance to participate in a call-in Q&A session for people willing to buy 11 of his books. I find this to be an incredible offer. A remarkable offer. In fact, the only reason I’m writing this blog post is because I’m so surprised by the offer. I think that Seth Godin is passionate about what he does and he enjoys helping folks. It seems to me that the businesses and individuals who are most willing to serve those around them are often the ones who prosper.

So, I’ve emailed Seth in the hopes that there might still be room in the Q&A Session. We’ll see!